Wednesday, December 8, 2010

new artwork

recently i having a trouble in completing the unfinished artwork, if i check my own project folder, you will got lot of scraps and old junk that should be finished long time ago.  committed to finishing what you had started is not easy, mood and new idea are the best hinder, especially when you easily distracted with trivial thing just lil' kid do .....orz .   btw this is the artwork that has passed the deadline, but at last i finished it, ..and ok i still got  lot of junk to completed  ( ' 3'). 


  1. aghhhh kue dan neko-chan nyah sama-sama bikin ngiler.. *A*
    sama sayh juga banayk scrapt.. tapi kalo udah sebulan ga dikelarin.. berarti masuk tong sampah

  2. haha kade bisi giyung...

    ah lebar atuh dipiceun mah, mending buat saya aja chie :D

  3. wahhhhh mantap karyanya!!!!

    salam kenal!!!

  4. salam kenal juga, selamat datang di blog saya :D
