Sunday, April 24, 2011

Indonesia Tan

Finally i finished the color yay \(^o^)/, and now i'm getting used with Sai paint tool, it kinda lightweight and faster than using Photoshop, maybe i'll used it frequently for efficiency :). Btw i had changed the header of the blog, i intended to change the design too, but maybe later (i'm really exhausted now). And good news, instead of Blog, i intended to open Website, using F2C web service, I'll tell you when i finished it :). 


  1. warna bajunya terlalu nyaru sama kulit kuy, its seems that she is naked.. XD lol

  2. @RC: sebenernya bajunya lebih merah sih dan agak transparan, cuman disini jadi kurang keliatan (apa karena resolusinya kecil kli yah). kayanya perlu diretouch lg biar lebih kontras di bajunya....
